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Showing posts from February, 2009
K, I've given up on PDF and decided to go a different route--ever done that? I think I will begin a series of posts called "Wacky Scrapbook". These posts will contain information and pictures of our Wacky adventures. In this way you can get to know the Wackies and we can join together to add memories and pictures to make a virtual scrapbook. WON'T THAT BE FUN!!! I will still add posts on each Wacky. It will be HER day and will include information that she provides and also a take on her from other Wackies. You will NOT want to miss this. So STAY TUNED. The above picture was taken at the deer camp in 2004. This is before we joined forces with the Brat Pac. We lost one member from this group--long story--don't ask (second from left). Other starting on the left: Annie-skip-Patty-KathyL-Rhonda-Molly (in front). This group evolved from a group of three (Kathy L, Patty, Molly), then the addition of Rhonda, then Annie. All of the addition must have happened between when


HAPPY VALENTINES DAY FROM ALL THE WACKY PAC to you. I am in charge of the WP blog this month and so far I have not done very well. No excuses, but taking care of my 82 year old mother with extreme dementia has been a trial this month. The WP activity has also been a little slow lately. We had a retreat planned for this weekend and slowly, but surely everyone (but two) canceled out. Life just gets in the way sometimes and sometimes we are just not determined enough to make it happen. The deep camp retreats are not as EASY as some retreats as we have to FEED ourselves so that means fixing and bringing food. It's just a lot of hastle . After our monthly Dinner with Drinks on Wacky Wednesday, we did schedule another retreat in March. I, for one, am ready to be determined to attend this one. I will go to the deer camp to retreat if I have to go by myself! (which very well might happen). I will let you know how THIS goes over. I expect lots of Wacky Comments, so get ready! For my month

Hot Stuff

Last night was "Wackies Night Out" at our favorite jaunt, Gilberto's. There were only 5 of us but we managed to laugh until our base-layers were endangered (private joke). Here's our pic of the night. Kath is sporting a stuff jalapeno and a child's cup of cold milk. Before our waiter brought out the milk, Kath was stealing everyone's water and gulping them down as fast as she could swallow. Next time Kath says that she will order a burger.

Yoooou Whhoooo!

Check out "Memories by the Yard" via Ravelly1 . It's a great quilt store in a wonderful city and you'll have a great laugh reading about Jerri's and my Big Adventure.


Go Debbie, go Debbie ! If you are wondering why we're cheering, it's because Debbie got very creative with her pincushion . It's a cute rabbit terrier. She receives our "You Go Girl" award. Go Debbie go out and have an ice cream on the "Wackies!"

Tic Toc

Time's almost up! February 5th at the Pincushion Challenge deadline. You can do this! Remember, take a picture of your pincushion and e-mail it to the "wackies". We will post it for you. We would like to thank those who participated in this little self challenge, in advance. It's great to step outside your personal boxes, think in another direction or just browse for ideas.